The new frontier in
workplace talent

Welcome to encourage equality.

Let us help you unlock business improvements and growth through realising the advantages of age-neutral workforces.

Do your organisational attitudes to talent reflect a bygone world?

In this evolving landscape, the older worker represents a competitive advantage and age-neutral workforces contribute to business sustainability.

A company culture that recognises and respects experience and capability will attract, retain, and engage older employees. Creating a successful environment for multiple generations leads to smoother knowledge transfer and facilitates stronger succession planning.

By assessing your organisation and taking action to root out embedded ageism, you can harness the potential of people of all types and ages for the best business outcomes. 


 Discover the benefits of Age-Neutrality


Organisations with a 10% higher share of workers aged 50+ are 1.1% more productive (OECD 2020).

Above-average management diversity resulted in 19% higher innovation revenue and 9% higher profit (Boston Consulting Group 2018).

Labour turnover is 4% lower at firms that have a 10% share of workers aged 50 (OECD 2020).


CEOs and other managers are 2-2.5 years older in the 20% most productive firms compared with the 20% least productive firms (OECD 2020).

Increasing age diversity has a positive effect on company productivity, confirmed a ten year German study (Backes-Gellner & Veen, 2013).

Meta-analyses reveal there is no significant difference in job performance between older and younger workers or younger and older managers.

Who is encourage equality?

 Our company represents a unique blend of practical experience and evidence based research that will allow us to bring new thinking and solutions to companies committed to realising business growth opportunities through creating age-neutral workforces. Between Tim and Colleen, our company has the advantage of over 50 combined years of senior leadership experience in HR, talent management and change management gained from working within blue chip multi-national and Australian companies. This great practical experience is complemented by access to Tim’s unique Australian PhD research exploring organisation behaviours influencing how companies understand talent and the ramifications for older worker employability.